So today my client and I met and I showed her the purple zebra rug and she loved it but her daughter didn't like it at all. She thought it was too busy and too flashy and she wanted a rug that was simpler and less contemporary - not a traditional rug, but a transitional rug that would be in style for many years to come. Well, I couldn't argue with that. So we looked and found a fabulous gray Tibetan rug that was 9' by 12' with a lot of texture and brought it first to the mom's home to see if it matched the baby grand piano that we were going to put in under yesterday. It did! So we brought it to the daughter's home and low and behold, we decided that it looked perfect in her family room - NOT the room off of the entryway with the piano. So we bought it! And the great news was that the Design Center in Houston was having a fabulous sale, so we got a great deal on it as well. Here it is!

The only problem is that we still need a rug to go under the piano. So
the saga continues! We will keep looking and I will keep you posted!