The World's Loveliest Libraries

Today I was honored to discover that Imago Dei wrote their August 30th blog on me - called Classicism Redefined! I do love Classicism and thought they did an incredible job and if you would like to look at what a great job they did, please visit . When I went to look at their write up about me, I saw a blog they had written a few days ago, that also impressed me - which they call The World's Libraries as Art, showing several libraries around the world that are magnificent works of art in and of themselves. Look at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, which opened to the public in 1897, and which represents in its interior design the works of almost 50 American artists. Especially beautiful is The Great Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building which offers a perfect example of the incredible workmanship done creating "an unparalleled national achievement” and the “largest, costliest and safest” library in the world. How majestic it is , yet it is the perfect place to sit, read a book and relax! I have never been to the Thomas Jefferson Building in the Library of Congress before, but I am going to Washington DC to teach my Go Green, 7 Steps to Successful Marketing and Aging in Style .8 CEU and I am surely going to try and see it in person. Here is a photo of the Thomas Jefferson Building in the Library of Congress. Isn't it lovely! That is Classicism at its best!
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